Our Story

Owner Raven Padgett is a communications professional and brand journalist with 20 years of writing and editing experience. During her career, she has served as a writer and editor for award-winning publications and also as a reporter and editor for various media outlets. With a keen eye for detail, she can help you craft exceptional copy that will help you tell your story, effectively and efficiently.

The Back Story

Born in Queens, N.Y., and raised by an amazing father in Pittsburgh, Pa., with four older sisters, Raven began to appreciate the written word at an early age. She launched her first “magazine” when she was 9. Although the content was pretty cryptic and the accompanying pictures drawn with an unsteady hand, she was able to convince (i.e., beg) her family members to buy copies of the magazine for 50 cents a copy. Throughout the years, her family has continued to encourage her to hone her skills and pursue her passion to write.

The Current Story

Since those early days, her interest in the written (and spoken word) has only grown stronger over the years. She majored in English and journalism in college, taught high school for two years and after entering the world of communications, has always looked forward to meeting the next deadline. She has worked as a communications professional in nonprofit, corporate and higher education environments. She resides in Washington, D.C., with her husband and son.

More About Raven…
  • Favorite Authors: Toni Morrison, Zora Neale Hurston, James Baldwin, Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes, Ray Bradbury, Albert Camus, Edgar Allan Poe, Jonathan Kozol
  • Favorite Playwrights: August Wilson, Lorraine Hansberry, Eugene O’Neill, Tennessee Williams
  • Favorite Books: Their Eyes Were Watching God; Cry, the Beloved Country; I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings; Song of Solomon; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; The Kite Runner
  • Favorite Movies: The Color Purple; To Kill a Mockingbird; Hidden Figures; It’s a Wonderful Life; Doubt; Nearly every Denzel movie ever made
  • Favorite Quote: “It’s Not What You Call Me But What I Answer To” (African Proverb)
  • Favorite Sports Team: Pittsburgh Steelers
  • Favorite Places to Vacation: Spain, Turks and Caicos, Bahamas, Montreal